An adult has a blood volume of about 4 to 5 litres and it only takes 24 - 48 hours to replace the plasma portion and around 3-5 weeks to replace the red blood cells. So, 470 ml of blood isn't really much to give away and still can save at least 3 lives....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
一包血 = 三条人命
An adult has a blood volume of about 4 to 5 litres and it only takes 24 - 48 hours to replace the plasma portion and around 3-5 weeks to replace the red blood cells. So, 470 ml of blood isn't really much to give away and still can save at least 3 lives....
Friday, August 28, 2009
今天是澳洲一年一度的 Daffodil Day, 是一个专为癌症研究中心筹款的活动,而我也去当义工了,穿着黄色的T-shirt 在路边叫卖,虽然很累,但却很充实。今天我看到了人情人暖,有些人很慷慨的掏出腰包,有些人却看都不看一眼。让我印象很深刻的是一位阿麽,她坐在轮椅上,拿着很多束我们卖的Daffodil flowers,身上也别了Daffodil 的badges。 她看到我们时对我们笑一笑说,“I bought a lot of Daffodil flowers today, and also the badges... and I have cancer...” 她也对我们说加油,努力的筹款。其实今天来支持这个活动的很多都是癌症患者,有一位女士也说了她在四个月前被诊断出了癌症。癌症真的很可怕,研究报告说两个人里面就会有一个人会患上癌症。未来会是什么我真的不知道,不过我很感恩上帝让我和我的家人都健健康康平平安安的生活着。我真的很幸福,我希望能把我拥有的幸福和幸运和别人分享一点。
这只Dr. Dougal Teddy bear 很可爱吧... 以前我从来都不买teddy bear 的,觉得很浪费,可是今天我却发现它是多么的可爱,多么的有意义。
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Life's equal?
This afternoon, when I was doing a dam building exercise, my lecturer told us that if we build the dam on kaolite (clay), it will cause water leakage and also the collapse of the dam, which then causes death of babies. One of the students answered him that "Yeah, and also farmers, and may be sued.." Then, he replied, "No... Nobody cares if farmers're dead... people only care when BABIES die and you'll get sued because you cause the babies' death..."
Yeah, when you think about it.. it seems to be true... People care more on babies rather than farmers...
Nobody even cares if a farmer died from starvation or drought but the world was turned by the death of Michael Jackson... Well, you could say yeah Michael Jackson was a legend, he contributed a lot to pop music industry... Yeah, that's true, but what about the farmer?? Didn't he contribute anything to the community??
See.... Life's equal??
Monday, August 10, 2009
I was wrong??!!!
30 years ago, our parents used only pencils and graph papers for statistics;
10 years later, I used calculators in school for statistics;
and now... all calculations are done by only a click or a tap on computers....
When we learn more, we tend to feel that we're tinny...
Now, I realised that what I learnt before was not actually right... Maths and physics and even other subjects are much more complicated than what we had been taught...
I must say that nobody is always right...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
S.I.S Steamboat night
Here we are again, S.I.S gathering... Having great time eating, talking, sharing jokes, gossiping and having lots of lots of fun... Really cool to have all the sibuans gather together...
And guess what this is, yeah I know it looks a little bit awful, but it really tastes nice. Let me introduce, its Kuih Hijau Hijau with Putih Putih glutinous rice (Kuih Salak)... I'm so proud of myself--I make it all by myself... XD!!
Here's some tips for making Kuih Salak(specially for overseas students):
Firstly, soak 250g of glutinous rice for 2 hours. Then, steam the rice with 1 and a half cup of coconut milk and a teaspoon of salt. (you'll need a can of 400 ml coconut milk)
Mix 120ml of cornflour with hot water and the rest of the coconut milk. Beat 3 eggs with 150 ml of white sugar until all the sugar dissolves. Then mix the cornflour with the eggs and a little bit of pandan essence. Pandan essence is just a substitute for fresh pandan juice. Then, grease a tin, level the cooked glutinous rice at the bottom, pour the green mixture on top and steam until cook. And that's it!!!
Easy right... You don't have to worry that you can't get fresh grated coconut or fresh pandan leaves... The taste is still pretty much the same... So, stop craving and start doing it!