Saturday, October 31, 2009

阿嬌回忆录之邂逅 (1)





To be continued........

Photos and script by Fiona.
Starring- 阿嬌 (Kelly),死鬼(Aaron)

Never judge an apple by its skin!!!

话说人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,其实苹果也是不可貌相的... ... 不要看它长得那么可爱,粉粉红红的,可是却一点也不甜..... 真的是给它的外表给骗了!! 气死我了!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Not my day 之心痛的感觉

My poor spaghetti building..... It broke before it's been really tested!!

It was fixed on an automatic car and the lecturer just hit the car against the legs of the table and broke my poor building....

Not mine actually... My groupmate made it.... I feel so sorry for not being able to stop him from breaking it before my groupmates came...

My 2L water capture device... which makes up 50% of my 6 credits course.... And I failed it!!!

I'm totally screwed!!! Nothing turned up right today... My device didn't work in the competition and then my pasta building was broken into pieces just in a blink of eye. It happened so fast that I wasn't quick enough to press the capture button on my camera.... I was really shocked, didn't prepare it to be broken....
I screwed up all most everything in this semester... I am so worried now!!!!
Now, what I need is peace...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Photoby: Fiona (2009)

I'm really proud of this photo... It's not photo-shopped... Compliment to the photographer... XD!!

About Pink...


Support Pink for Women!!!!.... Help fighting breast cancer!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Winter is coming back..... It's chilling out there.... which I think is worse than winter.... The weather's really crazy and annoying... especially after you start packing up all your winter stuffs and be so prepared for summer, then you realise that the coldness is coming back.... This is the only time that I feel so bad for not staying in Malaysia... and it's the only time I miss Malaysia weather so much....