Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last... and finally

Last day of suffer, yes!!!... Well is just temporary... Suffering life starts again on the coming weeks.

One quiz one report tomorrow... haven't really read through the quiz and just finished a quarter of the report... and now I am not worrying.... That's what we called 麻木了.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


这几个星期,woolworth 里所有我爱吃的饼干都在疯狂的减价,而我忍不住就疯狂的抢购,一口气就买了一抽屉的饼干。 本来是想说,反正便宜就一口气买多些放着,要是等到恢复原价了才买那就亏大了。我太高估我自己了,以为自己的忍耐力是有多好,能让它们放着不吃吗....

这几天,我不知嗑下多少饼干啊..... 就这么的边看书边把饼干往嘴里塞.....坐着时,只要稍微弯下背,就会感觉到肚子好像就顶到大腿了,只要稍微低下头,就会觉得下巴的肉顶到脖子了....

我真是造孽啊... 买饼干来给自己长肉的...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reports never end...

Just submitted a report today. Took me whole night to finish it. Slept at 2.40 am last night and woke up at 6.30 to continue.. and finally finished at 8 am. Well, still not too bad... At least I could get a four hours sleep. Well, starting another report tonight and two more quizzes coming up this week... I am so dead.......

Report never endsssssssssssssssssss

Monday, May 24, 2010


tired...very tired... no sleep... cos report hasn't finished yet.... suffering.... more to go.... goodness.... 2 and a half year more...........................................................................................................................................................

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


刚刚看了几集的 ‘当我们同在一起’, 看到里面的人在 Kopitiam 喝着 kopi O... 吃着 roti kahwin.... 还有 wanton 面... 我的口水真的快流到地上了........ 真的是越看越饿 .....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12th of May

今天我回家晚了。拖着疲惫的身躯,好不容易才把自己从学校拖回家里。从火车站下来后,看到有一辆车子停在旁边,是在等着走在我后面的女孩。突然就好怀念以前在补习班的时候,每天晚上,爸爸妈妈在补习班楼下等着我们放学的画面。每天疲惫地从补习班走下来,就会看到爸妈停在一旁的车子,就能很雀跃地爬进车子里,然后舒舒服服地躺在座位上,好好的歇一下。通常上完补习班后,会非常的饿,而爸爸妈妈总会特别贴心地为我打包好消夜,有时候是炒面,有时候是炒米粉、干盘面、扁肉, 或是炒贵刁,所以,每次一坐进车子里就能闻到一股香喷喷的味道。有时候爸爸妈妈会心血来潮带我们到附近的Kopitiam吃宵夜。那些日子是有多幸福啊!!


PS: 今天 uni 里有投票活动,每人投一张票,就会有$5 的voucher 领。这么好康的事情怎么会少了我呢。hahaha.....

1. 国际学生和本地学生的

2. 与世界名校联谊
(hmm.... Cambridge??... Oxford???.... Harvard???.... ... 面子还真大呀... ... 真是让人拭目以待

Sunday, May 9, 2010


一直以来我都非常不善于表达自己的情感, 尤其是对家人,更是会觉得非常不好意思。可能 是因为本身的个性就很内向,在加上东方人的保守观念,所以从来都没有勇气对家人,对父母说声谢谢,说声我爱你,或给他们一个拥抱。有时候想要对他们表达一 点心意都会觉得很变扭,很尴尬。还好现在有博客这个东西,隔着电脑想说什么都会容易些。

谢谢所有的母亲,你们真的好勇敢哦,要生下一个孩子是 真的需要很大的勇气。妈妈们为了生下我们不惜怀胎 十月的辛苦,不惜身材走样,不惜养育我们的辛劳,你们真的太伟大了。爸妈,谢谢你们为我操心了二十一年,谢谢你们对我无私的爱,这些年来为了我你们真的辛 苦了。

愿主能赐给他们 更 多力量,更多祝福,每天都能活得健康快乐。

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The 10%

I found a 10% discount brochure for Pepper Lunch this afternoon, and I told my friend, " Hey, if we get a salmon rice, which is $10 and we'll get one dollar discount with the brochure. And if we get a $9 curry rice, we only got $0.90 of discount. So, it's more worthwhile to get a salmon rice, since we only have to pay $9 but for curry rice, we still have to pay $9.10....... Hmm.... I'll get a salmon rice then...."
..... ......................... .....................

Monday, May 3, 2010


It's getting cold.... winter is coming.... and my stomach is getting hungry more and more easily...
And I need more and more food...... which means I'm accumulating more and more lipids....

I feel guilty when I eat..... and I feel bad if I don't eat...
Well, eat to live or live to eat???