Friday, July 30, 2010

The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Thursday, July 22, 2010

roti bakar

最近这几天不知道为什么这么想以前常吃的食物。所以都在google一些有的没有的照片和食谱,真的是不吃都肥。所以突然间就想写点关于食物的东西来解解干渴。那就先说说roti bakar吧。

roti bakar 呢就是两片面包用炭火烤,一定要用炭烤,用toaster烤的面包永远都不会有炭烤面包的香气。当炭火把面包烤得焦黄的时候,涂上一层厚厚的kaya和一层厚厚的牛油,然后把两面包夹在一起,对切一半,就是举世无双的roti bakar 了。

roti bakar是一种很平民的食物,是每一个kopitiam都会有的。不管是大城市还是偏僻乡下,都一定少不了它。roti bakar+kopi o+半生蛋,陪伴着多多少少人度过多少美好的早晨。

第一次爱上roti bakar是去了PLKN之后。那时候生病了,妈妈到camp里接我去看医生,等门诊等了快两个小时,折腾了一个下午。妈妈看我一整天都没吃东西,就到隔 壁的kopitiam打包东西给我吃。那时候已经是下午三四点了,所有摊铺都打烊了,就只剩下roti bakar。当我第一口吃下妈妈给我买的roti bakar时,觉得roti bakar怎么会这么好吃。那一刻,真的觉得能吃到roti bakar真的是太幸福了。

以前,我非常看不起roti bakar,觉得它是卑贱的食物,是那一种到处可得的,根本就没有什么值得吃的。可是,当我在PLKN camp 里,经历了能够吃到不知隔了几夜的面包就会超开心的日子之后,再吃到外酥内软的roti bakar时,简直是受宠若惊...那一个下午我真的是笑得合不拢嘴。我真的不是夸张,那时候吃到roti bakar时的感动和喜悦,用文字是难以形容的,也许可以说像是一个努力了十几年的演员,这一刻终于获得了最佳男主角奖的那一种说不出的感动。

我现在好饿哦... 好想吃哦... 在这里买一个roti bakar竟然贵过麦当劳的汉堡。


Thursday, July 15, 2010

一日一句 1

by 饭团之家

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fiona's cooking diary (Milo choc-chips muffins)

I bought a packet of choc-chips last winter break and left it in my kitchen until today. Suddenly decided to finish off the packet of choc-chips this afternoon. What a pity if it's just gonna to stay in my kitchen's basket till expire. So, choc-chips muffins!!!

So, looking for ingredients in kitchen... Chop-chips, tick; flour, tick; sugar and egg, tick; butter, tick; bicarbonate, tick; milk, er.... er.... oh ho..., we don't drink milk...

Good, no milk for muffins and I was definitely too lazy to get changed just for a carton of milk...

Ok, what's now?? Facebook... Thanks for the opinions on Facebook and let me decided to substitute milk with milo.... Haha... It should turn out fine I hope... =P

Then, the process of making muffins was a disaster. First, I forgot the bicarbonate soda and I was stupid enough to mix the powder in egg instead of the mixture. Later, I forgot about butter. And I had to melt the butter with microwaves and only remembered to mix it into the mixture just before I pour the mixture into the muffin tin. And when I but it into oven, then I realised that vanilla essence was not in there.

Piuh... it turned out to be quite alright, just slightly undercooked in the middle...

Well, got to give it another try.... =)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah!!!! I passed every subjects!!!!!
Thanks god!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010








Saturday, July 3, 2010


从小,我就很爱吃汤圆,特别是黑芝麻汤圆。圆圆滚滚的汤圆里面流出热腾腾的黑芝麻馅,真的是没有开玩笑的好吃。 最近嘴巴又馋了,就决定自己动手戳汤圆。看着食谱,哇好像很简单叻。结果,把自己埋在厨房了一整天,就只戳出以上盘子了的那么几颗汤圆。要把黑芝麻馅包在汤圆里,又不能露馅,是真的要靠功夫的。
