Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My 20th birthday in Apollo Bay...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


18年又24个月了, 我在这世界上竟然迷迷糊糊地蹉跎了7300天,24960个小时,一百多万分钟。回头看看,忽然发现日子过得好空白,好彷徨!!!


今天,18岁又24个月的生日愿望是——我要有用不完的勇气来追逐我想要的... ...一切... "祝我生日快乐!!!"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good old days....(When I was seventeen....)

Thanks Anna for uploading this video on facebook... It reminds me a lot... Reminds me the days full of hectic studys... How insane I was... tuitioning nonstop.... And those cute little faces... Yeah... I really miss those days... especially my skinny self....

17 Again.... How sweet it's.....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Beware of FOOD!!!!

Shut this down if you were experiencing hunger at the moment!!!! I'm serious.... U gonna to regret if u don't....

Photos by Fiona.. (See how many kilos I've got)

Food!!!! If you were hungry now... and still looking at this picture... then, believe me you're going to gain at least a pound!!! I know it sounds insane, gaining weight by just looking at food... BUT, it's some how true...

According to a research conducted by Yale University, people actually gain weight by just looking and smelling food without taking a single bite. When you're looking at food while hungry, your brain will give a false signal (which your brain thought that you are consuming food), which then stimulates the production of insulin and your body started to convert glucose into fat!!! See, how unfair it is... gaining weight without even enjoying the food!!!

So, keep away from food!!! OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


又来了... 我又再重复着一样的动作... 上网, 搜查, 下载,填表格, 烦恼,寄信,等待,落空,失望....... 一年又一年,我一而再地重复着同样的举动,到底还要重复到什么时候啊??!! 为什么别人做一次的事情我需要重复这么多年,而还是落空,失败,失望,烦恼........ 我到底是哪里做得不好啊??
我真的很不甘心,真的很生气,可是我又能怎样?! 我真的很不明白我到底做错了什么,为什么会这样??!!

我真的觉得自己很失败,我的失败不是在于我得不到而失败,而是失败在我不知道为什么自己会失败。安迪生至少找到了999 种不能用来制造灯泡的方法,而我却没有找到我得不到它的理由。


相信上帝让我承受的这些煎熬是为了让我能更坚强地走更长的路... 我相信上帝是爱我的!!


刚刚被一只超大只的蟑螂吓得花容失色。夏天真的不能留在澳洲,蟑螂不是盖的多。我要回家... ...