Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The simplest, the hardest

Among all the languages I know, I am pretty confidence with my Chinese. I am proud of being able to read and write stories, poems and articles gorgeously in Chinese. I am proud of being able to converse with people from Taiwan and China fluently and then proudly announced that I'm from Malaysia...

But, how well am I really??

I was asked to help a friend with his Chinese Pin yin Quiz, and I was so unsure about those pin yin. And for those chinese characters, I was hesitating whether there's a 撇, or a 勾, or a 横.... .... I have been so used to write chinese characters for the past 15 years, and yet now, I am so uncomfortable when dealing with the details...

When it comes to the most basic and simplest stuffs, there are more details to be considered. And those details are sometimes being neglected.

Well, I'm not much better than a Grade One....


  1. First time to visit!!! um....I just wondering when do u usually go to bed..every article u posted was reeeeeealy late...PS:对于中文不用拘泥于细节了 居然还会写诗!!比我都强


  2. well, that's not the actual time... I didn't set the time setting to Australian one hahaha..

  3. Fiony Tangy.....
    HaHa!!! this will be epic for both of us...
    Chinese is hard!!!! lolz!!!

  4. Hahaha... yeah... you're right, looky haha

  5. hey~ i haven't been commenting for a long time. can't resist it today XD

    1) i'm so proud to be a malaysian chinese! there was this time when i spoke chinese to a girl from china in my hall when she suddenly turned and asked her SR if she knows what we're talking about. like everyone was shocked that i can speak chinese. haha.. really lar.. we should tell ppl that malaysians need not only speak malay.

    2) i never learnt well about the 2nd and 3rd tone (?) in pin yin.

    3) have you sent any poems to the newspaper back in sibu? doreen (charles' sister) said that it's RM15 per piece. I'd urged dad to go pick it up for me. plan to write more during the easter break.

    4) are you planning to go anywhere during winter break?

  6. Reply to Barbara:

    3) No, I haven't sent any of them yet... I think my stuffs worth more than RM 15 per piece hahahaha....自我感觉太良好...
    Will try to send someday though, but I dunno which newspaper to send to....

    4) I was planning going back home, but the air ticket is extremely expensive during winter... So, I won't be going back unless I get any cheap offer... So, what's your plan?? Going anywhere?? Nice plan to offer?

  7. dear huey (i sound so like writing a letter):

    a) tak bagus ni.. itu dipanggil hidung tinggi, tau? i'm happy that ppl are willing to pay rm15 for my cheesy (i dont want to admit they are crappy at times, since they are all my "babies" XD) poems and stuffs. haha..

    b) nice offer kah? i'm planning to cram at your place during winter if you are in sydney. or mayb tze hui's if she's not going anywhere else. better offer? come to canberra and stay with me. it's free if you dont want to eat in my hall. ps: you wont grow fat in canberra. in fact i lose weight because of too much walking. =)

  8. dear barbara...

    a)itu bukan panggil hidung tinggi la... itu panggil 有骨气.. hahha... which newspaper should I send to btw??

    b)Hmm... staying at your place sounds quite good.. We can together do those crazy stuffs... I will probably be here during winter... A lot of good food in Sydney... Sure you will gain weight...

