Saturday, March 13, 2010

What an experience!!!

I was studying with a friend today in Sci-tech library... and after more than two hours of hard work, we decided to get some lunch, so, we left our bags and books and other stuffs in the library and just took our purses and mobile phones with us...

So, we were happily having lunch and returned to the library after an hour... On our way back to the library, we noticed that there were lots of police cars and campus security cars... And guess what had happened??? The library was closed under emergency with guides standing at the door... Nobody was allowed to go in there, and it was no exception!!! Which means that my keys, my books and all my other stuffs were in there!!!!

I had been waiting there for two hours doing nothing, except that I read a book about toilets at tze hui's place.... Luck me to be able to get back my stuffs after two hours of waiting....

I'm really curious on what's going on in there?? Murder case??? Bombing ???


  1. waseh~ that's really "exciting"! and LOL at the toilets' book at tze hui's place.

    ps: we had someone triggered off the fire-alarm at 10.30pm with air-refreshener. how cute is that? =.=ll

  2. hahha... yeah it's quite exciting... I know what's going on now... It's due to the sudden death of one of the librarians, sadly...

    air-refresher... that happened to tze hui's housemate last year too... What a joke!!! hahaha
